POVB - MEMBER BULLETIN - Public Service Association


POVB – MEMBER BULLETIN – 9 December 2016 (PDF Version)

The POVB management committee met from 6 December through to 8 December, 2016.

At this meeting your delegates, the governing body of the POVB, voted and passed the following motion:

“We the members of the POVB Management Committee wish to work with the Department in finding solutions to the current inmate population crisis. The members disagree with management’s assertion that increasing states at an overcrowding crisis time is the appropriate time to initiate job cuts under the guise of benchmarking.

Jobs cuts at this time will create unsafe practices for our membership and the overcrowding will have a serious impact on staff and community safety and the humane treatment of inmates.

Whilst we understand the need for efficient cost-effective management of offenders and wish to work with management on attaining those goals, we cannot and will not negotiate any further increase in gaol states until management ceases all job cuts/benchmarking within all centres”.

A delegation of delegates and Dave McCauley PSA Industrial Advocate.  From this meeting Mr Severin has agreed to hold off on benchmarking until the New Year.

The bed crisis was discussed and it was agreed that each sub branch will meet on 9 December and over the weekend to look at what each centre can do to assist in creating beds.

The Department has supplied PSA with a list of what they are projecting for beds and this will be issued to all delegates for these meetings.

Once your meetings have concluded we ask that each centre email the outcomes to the following:

David McCauley,     Industrial Advocate           

Steven McMahon,    Chairperson POVB             

Nicole Jess,                Secretary – POVB              

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