POVB – SCO roles and responsibilities
POVB – SCO roles and responsibilities – April 2018 (PDF version)
Several centres have gone over into the last phase of benchmarking and the POVB Executive is getting negative feedback in regards to Functional Managers pushing down their roles and responsibilities to the Senior Correctional Officers.
We have raised this issue at several CSNSW benchmarking meetings at the Industrial Relations Commission and the Peak Justice meeting with Mr Andrew Cappie-Wood.
The Executive has made it clear that in medium and large centres we will not do the roles and functions that were previously carried out by either the Assistant Superintendent rank or the Senior Assistant Superintendent rank.
At our last CSNSW benchmarking meeting we again raised concerns with the SCO ROCI and changes were made to it.
The SCO ROCI will be changed again due to the issues raised – see attachment HERE.
Please see SAS ROCI attached HERE.
At the last meeting we raised the following from the most recent SCO ROCI:
Legislation, policy and procedures
First Class Accommodation Journal Validation – we will not validate, that is the responsibility of a SAS. We will sign daily the Accommodation Journal to confirm that the Wing Officer is carrying out the log book duties, but that is all.
Prepare inmate applications and request
In the ROCI it states it is the SCO’s responsibility to prepare inmate applications. That has to be the function of the SAS, as they have the register and issue the applications if they believe it is justified.
Requests can be issued by Wing Officers, then distributed to the appropriate locations for approval. SCOs can write input on the requests. Some SCOs like SCO reception will sign off the request if approved or not – this is not a function or role that should change due to benchmarking.
Leave management
We will be asking CSNSW to have this changed from an R – Role to a C – Consulted. SCOs do not have the ability to approve or coordinate the leave that should be the role and function of a SAS.
Inmate classification
Prepare Segregation Order and Related Documentation – is an I – Informed not an R – Role. This also means we do not do segregation reviews or returns. It has been raised with CSNSW that due to there only being one FM on a weekend the returns should be moved to mid-week. As yet this has not changed. We will not be doing Segregation returns.
Be willing to be consulted on Protection Orders and Reviews – is an I – informed not an R – Role. Again we will not be conducting Protection Orders or Reviews. If reception centres receive an inmate who requests or requires protection, that inmate can be placed in a cell in a safe environment and an FM can deal with the protection issue the next day. It was put to us by CSNSW that some reception centres have in their benchmarking numbers an SCO on a C watch specific for this role. If that is the case, then that can take place.
Be willing to be consulted on SMAP Orders and Reviews – is an I – Informed not an R – Role. As above.
Be willing to be consulted on Intel Alerts – is an I – Informed not an R – Role. As it clearly states consulted, and members would be happy to receive intel information that pertains to their work location.
Be willing to be consulted on Protection recommendation – is an I – Inormed not an R – Role. Again it clearly states consulted, it is not our role to make recommendations or prepare protection paperwork.
Inmate misconducts
Prepare hand up Briefs for Management – we have asked that this be changed. CSNSW has raised with the PSA that the paperwork that previously went with inmate misconducts will no longer have to be completed or printed out as the information is on OIMS. We have asked that this be facilitated ASAP, which would mean that this can be removed.
Prepare check lists and Packages for Management – as above. We also raised that this is exactly the same point as the above point but just worded differently so it should be removed.
I want to make it extremely clear that we do not hear misconducts at the rank of SCO. If we are acting in the capacity of a SAS FM, then yes we can do the role and function of that rank but WE DO NOT HEAR ANY MISCONDUCTS.
Identified and target inmate management
Assist with the coordination of Urinalysis – is a Role. We have clearly stated that we will assist in the gathering of the urine sample as we have previously done. The SAS ROCI clearly identifies that the SAS FM Intel is responsible for coordinating urinalysis.
Assist with the co-ordination of DNA testing program with NSW Police – Role. We have raised concerns that CSNSW are moving away from having one person being responsible for DNA and getting detached duty to facilitate and coordinate the sampling. CSNSW have assured us that this is not the case and that this practice will still be taking place.
Supervise HSIMC inmates including visitors (ACC.) and phones (INTEL) – Role – we have raised this with CSNSW as these visits would take place in the visits area so it is not reasonable to think that SCO Accommodation would carry out this role.
Review and follow-up on IRs as required – this was a responsibility in the OPM previously. However, due to SCOs doing the IRM, it must be someone higher than that rank to review it. We have raised with CSNSW that further training in centres need to be carried out for Correctional Officers on how to do IRMs and for SCOs on how to review IRMs.
Some other roles that we have had raised by members but are not part of SAS ROCI or SCO ROCI are:
RIT reviews: some centres had SCOs already doing this role and function prior to benchmarking process. If your benchmarking document has an SCO clearly identified for this role only then we will do the function.
Minimum Security checklists and clearances – this was a function of either an AS or an SAS and POVB have made it clear we will not be doing the role and function.
6.2s – as above.
Inmate Management contracts – as above.
Syringe Audits – as above.
Sponsor Interviews – as above.
The POVB Executive is finding that when a centre goes over to the final benchmarking phase COVB is attempting to push their responsibilities down and threaten staff with lawful directions. We encourage staff who are about to go into the third phase start consultation with management and COVB in regards to the above. If you have any issues with this consultation please contact one of the Executive and we will attend your centre and assist in the consultation process.
Nicole Jess
POVB Chairperson