Powerhouse Museum – the PSA fights for you
Powerhouse Museum – the PSA fights for you – November 2017 (PDF version)
When injustice exists, your union fights back. Since the restructure of 2014, casual Visitor Services Officers have been paid at the incorrect General Scale rate, rather than the Clerk 1/2 rate, which was agreed upon by the PSA at that time. MAAS management has a different perspective.
This different perspective has led to ongoing negotiations between the PSA and management in the Industrial Relations Commission, through a formal Conciliation process. As this process was unsuccessful, a certificate of attempted conciliation was issued and Arbitration is slated to commence in February, 2018.
Throughout this period, the PSA has been growing in numbers and strength at the Powerhouse. This growth in membership and the activism of members has increased pressure on management and taken us to where we are today, with an initial settlement offer to resolve the case. The terms of the offer are copied below for your reference.
The vote is yours
The PSA was founded on the principle of democracy and it is this democratic tradition that we invite all affected members to be part of today. After consultation meetings, where we want to hear your thoughts and feelings on the offer, we will be holding a vote for all affected members. The decision will be whether to accept or reject the offer.
Importantly, only members of the PSA will get a vote. If you know people who are not members of the PSA, this is the time to encourage them to join.
If you have received this message, you had a reason for joining the PSA. Explaining your reasons to non-members is the best way to bring your colleagues into the union and to grow our collective power so that we can be stronger together.
The vote will be held after the following two meetings have been held:
Meeting 1:
Tuesday, 28 December
PSA House, Level 10, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney
Meeting 2:
Thursday, 30 December
PSA House, Level 10, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney
All affected members are invited to attend these events. We also encourage members who left the VSO role since 2014, but were members of the PSA, to attend. If you are in contact with these people, please inform them that they are welcome.
Apart from these meetings, your Organiser, Harry Wall, will be attending the morning briefing on Tuesday 28 November and Friday 1 December. Harry will attend the break room from 8:45am onwards and be available to speak after the meeting until 9:45am.
If you have any further inquiries, call Harry Wall on 0419 607 894.
If you would like to make a private submission or comment via email, sent it to . All emails will be treated confidentially.
Terms of the Settlement Offer
- MAAS pay 25% of the total back pay to each employee who has worked as a casual VSO since the 2014 restructure, including ex-employees.
- The casual VSO role is reclassified to Clerk Grade 1/2 (from General Scale), which may include the addition of some duties.
- That MAAS would work with the PSA to review the current VSO structure with the idea of implementing more ongoing VSO roles and strengthen rostering to ensure MAAS remains economically viable.
If members choose to accept the offer, the PSA will:
- Sign a deed of release to resolve the matter.
- Work with MAAS to review the current VSO structure.
- Work with MAAS in the development of a new Role Description to reflect the changes to the VSO classification.