Proposed Pillar Agreement - Public Service Association

Proposed Pillar Agreement

Proposed Pillar agreement – August 2016 (PDF version)

On Thursday 4 August 2016, the PSA attended a bargaining meeting with Pillar. At this meeting a three-year agreement was offered with a guarantee of six percent.

The PSA proposed the following increases;

  • 2.5% year 1
  • 2% year 2
  • 1.5% year 3.

Management agreed in principal and would get instructions. The PSA stated it would put this to members.

At the members’ meeting that afternoon, the following motion was passed:

That the PSA endorse the following agreement in principal:

  • 2.5% year 1
  • 2% year 2
  • 1.5% year 3.

Current conditions to remain the same.

The PSA will put this to a full ballot of members with a recommendation of support.

Your union is therefore formally recommending the proposed agreement.

The survey can be accessed HERE.

Members will need to fill out the survey by 5:00pm Wednesday 10 August 2016.

If you have any queries please contact Lee Coulton at .

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