PSA delivering for Special Constables
The PSA has been working hard on your behalf over the past several months.
Joint Consultative Committee report back – Command listening to PSA
Your PSA Special Constable Delegates recently met with SMU Commander McDonald at the SMU Joint Consultative Committee, to discuss current issues. The meeting was productive and it seems clear that SMU management is ready to seriously consider submissions from your Delegates on a number of issues.
Delegates suggested renaming of Special Constables to Protective Security Officers and remodelling the role on the AFP PSO. The Commander agreed to consider a formal submission from the PSA.
Superintendent McDonald confirmed that our Delegates’ request for Special Constables to be awarded Diligent and Ethical medals for working during COVID will be supported by the Command.
Management advised that the recognition of Special Constable training as a Certificate under the Australian Qualifications Framework has been sent to Police Education and Training for action. Management will make enquiries as to where the process is up to.
It was raised that two Special Constables could be stationed at Olympic Park. The PSA asked the Commander to ensure that this would only happen with correct facilities to allow the Specials to perform their duties. He agreed to this request.
Delegates raised the issue of a return to the five-team roster, which has the support of Delegates and Supervisors. The Commander asked for clarification re some aspects of the roster proposal and agreed to meet with one of the Delegates to discuss the roster.
Administrative Employee Award Coverage – positive response from management
The entitlements of Special Constables are set by the NSW Police Special Constables (Security) Award. Last year your union put to management that the provisions of the NSW Police Administrative Officers Award should also have been applied to Special Constables since you became Administrative Employees in 2014.
Management has advised the PSA that they are reviewing the claim. Your union and Police management have agreed to hold detailed discussions in the near future once the implications of Admin Award coverage have been properly identified. One clear entitlement, should coverage by this Award be accepted, is that members would be entitled to a Uniform Allowance of $261 per annum.
Make the union stronger – ask your colleagues to join
Achievements such as improvements in award coverage and having a strong voice to management are only possible because of strong union membership. Ask your colleagues to join you in fighting for better conditions for special constables.
Anyone wishing to join the union should contact the local PSA delegate, your organiser Glenn Duncan at or join online at