PSA News – 15 December 2016 - Public Service Association

PSA News – 15 December 2016

PSA in the media

The PSA’s new leadership team have been making their presence felt in the media in the short time since taking office.

Your union’s voice has been in the public arena on issues from the resignation of Megan Latham at the ICAC, Land and Property Information, Juvenile Justice and Child Protection to National Parks, Disabilities and the Government replacing local employees with 457 visa workers following privatisations.

The following represents just some of that media:

Baird Government replaces local employees with 457 visa workers – The Sydney Morning Herald

“Is this the way forward for Disability Services? High needs specialised care dumped in favour of a temporary imported workforce?” asks PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little.

Read the full article HERE.

Staff shortages ’cause of delays’ – The Daily Telegraph

PSA Assistant General Secretary, Troy Wright goes to bat for members at the Community Services Helpline.

Read the full article HERE.

The Public Service Commissioner says leave trends are a concern – The Sydney Morning Herald

Read the full article HERE.

Carers falling through the cracks under NDIS – The Sydney Morning Herald

Read the full article HERE.

Baird Government has no industry support for privatisation of land titles registry – The Sydney Morning Herald

The PSA demands the LPI sale be referred to the Independent Commission Against Corruption. The story includes a photo of rallying LPI members.

Read the full article HERE.

Homes adjacent to National Parks at risk due to Regional Manager cuts – WIN News

Stewart Little on WIN News warning how cuts to the number of National Parks regional managers is putting our state at risk this bushfire season.

View the video HERE.

Bungle due to haste to privatise Land and Property Unit, say former staff – Sydney Morning Herald

Read the full article HERE.

Penrith disability workers bail up the Premier in the fight against privatisation

Premier Mike Baird was recently confronted by angry ADHC members at a rally in front of Penrith Panthers where he was attending a business conference.

Members took the opportunity to raise their concerns directly with the Premier.

In response, the Premier invited the PSA to write to him regarding the issues that had been raised with him by members at the rally.

He made a commitment to reply to the PSA before the end of the year.

PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little, wrote to the Premier on behalf of members outlining the serious concerns of disability workers about substandard transfer arrangements and the ongoing protection of their pay and conditions.

You can read a copy of the letter HERE.

You can see pictures of the rally HERE

Email your MP in support of Public Disability Services

Please visit the new Public Disability Services website and email your MP about this important issue.

Also go to the Facebook page:

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