PSA supporting members during Covid and beyond
**members are advised this bulletin discusses family and domestic violence**
PSA’s Women’s Council has been discussing and working on how to support members experiencing domestic violence (DV) since its election in late 2019. This is particularly important now, as DV helplines including those staffed by PSA members have experienced a rapid increase in calls as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our Union continues to put programs in place for members and will continue to update as more come online. If you need support or help, PSA has provided a landing place for you to find services and answers.
IF YOU ARE CONCERNED SOMEONE MAY BE MONITORING YOUR INTERNET USE, start HERE and follow our ‘how to browse anonymously’ guide.
You can see a list of services available HERE. As well as helplines and services you can access, you can also see if your employer provides domestic violence leave.
PSA strongly encourages any member who is experiencing domestic or family violence to access the professional services we’ve collected together for you. We can help you access your leave (if you have an entitlement) if it is denied by your employer- you can contact your MSC HERE. There may be other PSA services available to you, so please discuss them with your delegate, Women’s Councillor, organiser, or your MSC 1300 772 679.