PSA Wins Members Back Pay for Easter Public Holidays
PSA Wins Members Back Pay for Easter Holidays – May 2019 (pdf version)
In the lead-up to the Easter and ANZAC Day public holidays, the PSA issued a bulletin to all members outlining public holiday entitlements, particularly as they operate for shift workers, available HERE.
Delegates and members from a specialist Command contacted the PSA with concerns about the allocation of RLDs and Rest Days over this period.
Specifically, the roster had been modified to change members’ Rest Days to RLDs on both Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. This breached the local standard roster pattern in a way that had the effect of avoiding paying members their entitlement when Rest Days fell on public holidays.
The PSA immediately wrote to the Command seeking to rectify the matter and ensure our members were paid their correct entitlements.
The PSA is pleased to have received confirmation that this matter is now being resolved and members will be back paid their entitlements.
Members who are unclear about which of their days off are Rest Days and which are RLDs should seek to have this information displayed transparently on the roster.
This is also an important reminder for all members to be vigilant around entitlements and checking their payslips, particularly in regards to public holidays.
If you need any further information on this or any other entitlement, please do not hesitate to contact the Member Support Centre on
1300 772 679, or:
Andrew Wright
Industrial Officer
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What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues or put it on a noticeboard.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
- Get involved by becoming a local union delegate or contact.