On 2 May 2024, the PSA was made aware of a document that was published on the Astill Inquiry website containing the identifying details of some disciplinary matters and complaints investigated by the Professional Standards Branch (PSB) of Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), including in some cases the names of complainants.
While the PSA was not a party to, nor appearing in the Astill Inquiry, we immediately made representations to CSNSW on behalf of members that the publication of this document should be removed from the website. We have had further discussions with CSNSW about the document. The public release of information could understandably cause distress, humiliation and hurt to a significant number of CSNSW employees.
We note that the document was removed from the Inquiry website on Friday 3 May 2024, however, was available for more than two months.
The PSA has followed up this matter further and has sent correspondence to CSNSW raising concerns and seeking information about the circumstances of the release of this information.
Whilst we await further information regarding the document, if the release of this information has caused or is causing you distress we encourage you to lodge a Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) issue in the Safety Suite, as well as contact the PSA for further support.