RMS Bulletin - Registries to close to SNSW - Public Service Association

RMS Bulletin – Registries to close to SNSW

RMS Bulletin – six registries to close – 11 June 2015 (PDF version)

PSA members at six RMS registries, and the Carrington annex, have been advised their facilities will now merge with ‘nearby’ Service NSW (SNSW) sites.

Association representatives were called to SNSW at short notice on the day of the announcement and advised of these ‘proposed’ mergers. The Association raised concerns about the lack of consultation and the impact on its members.

It was made clear by SNSW that the ‘proposed mergers’ would be implemented without allowing for true consultation.

Your union is organising visits in June to the affected registries to talk to members and potential members about concerns.

Some of the general questions and issues that members have asked to date are:

  • Will all the staff from the merger sites be absorbed into the ‘nearby’ SNSW site?
  • If not, what are the current vacancies at the SNSW sites including supervisors and managers?
  • For members not wishing to move to SNSW and take a voluntary redundancy (VR) when will this occur?
  • Will individual circumstances, such as being a carer, be taken into consideration when applying for a VR allowing them to exit RMS as soon as possible?
  • Will RMS employees be given priority for new roles within SNSW?

When we visit your registry, we will go over these and other issues.

Visit schedule and further enquires

Members at the merging sites below will be visited by the PSA during June. If members have a particular preferred date and time they wish the PSA to attend, they can contact the PSA Member Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679 to book a visit.

Fairfield      –      Carrington      –      Padstow      –      Woy Woy      –      Five Dock      –      Maroubra      –      Thornleigh

The PSA September 2014 bulletin for RMS members outlines the appeals process. It says:

All Priority 1 (a) staff will have access to an ‘assisted appointment review’ process, won by the PSA in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). In the event that a member is unsuccessful in gaining an appointment to their nominated role the PSA can members will an appeal.

If members are contacted and told they are unsuccessful in gaining a job with SNSW, they should request both verbal and written confirmation and confirm this request in writing via email.

Appeals must be lodged within seven days of receiving written feedback for the selection panel convener.

To read this bulletin click here

If members have additional questions or concerns about this process, please contact the MSC by phone on 1300 772 679 or email

Moving to SNSW – Update Your Details

If you have moved or intend to move to SNSW, have a new work email, work phone number, please update your membership details here:

What can you do?

• Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
• Print this bulletin and put it on your notice board
• Ask a colleague to join the PSA
• Become a contact in our area

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