Safety Return to Work Support bulletin – FACS leave issue – 24 July 2015
Safety Return to Work Support bulletin – FACS leave – 24 July 2015 (PDF version)
Recently Safety Return to Work Support management advised they have identified that the payroll system does not notify individuals or their managers when they have insufficient FACS leave available. As a result, it has been possible over time for a number of employees to develop negative balances of FACS leave.
SRWS is in the process of contacting these employees to request that the negative balance be reconciled by the taking of other available leave.
The PSA has raised concern, that the negative balance may have accrued over a number of years and it is therefore unfair to have to pay back the balance immediately. In recent discussions it was agreed that SRWS would continue to carry the negative balance for one member and allow the gradual accrual of FACS leave to pay back the shortfall. Should that member leave the service, the leave balances would be reconciled at that point and sick leave or other leave used to cover any remaining shortfall.
Such discussions are a matter for each member to consider with regard to their personal circumstances. However, it is important to be aware that there is no requirement to fix this error immediately, if this will cause you any disadvantage. Should you be contacted by SRWS in relation to your leave balance, it is open to you to negotiate an outcome suitable to your own circumstances.
SRWS has advised that the error in the system will be corrected in the next few months. In the meantime, manual entries for FACS leave are being made.
Should you require any assistance with this or any other matter please contact one of your delegates or call the PSA’s support centre on 1300 772 679.