SafeWork NSW restructure update - Public Service Association

SafeWork NSW restructure update

Your union and delegates met with management on 14 November 2024 for the weekly discussion around the SafeWork NSW restructure.

The new structure went live on 8 November 2024. We were advised that the transformation team did a lot of work in the background, particularly in SAP, to make it as successful as possible.

There are concerns about Regulatory Service Officers (RSOs) in the regions and how the role looks for them. There will be a meeting with all regional RSOs to discuss the new role. The PSA requested the scope be widened to include all RSOs not just those in regions.

It was noted that 21 people have recently moved into mobility with two having already picked up roles.

SafeWork is having a four-week pause of mobility from the Christmas shutdown into early January. For those who do not want the extra two weeks, you can let your mobility advisor know. However, the PSA reminds you that while you are employed, you are still accruing entitlements and still being paid.

The PSA will continue to meet with management on a regular basis.  If you have further questions please reach out to your local delegates in the first instance:

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