Service NSW award update
Service NSW award update – May 2016 (PDF version)
The PSA and Service NSW have been in discussions regarding the Service NSW Award for several weeks.
The parties were in agreement in principle to the full 2.5% increase but were also discussing the existing conditions within the award.
There were proposed changes put forward by Service NSW which the PSA refused to accept including a further requirement to provide medical certificates for sick leave.
Discussions have led us to the proposed award which can be viewed HERE
Service NSW recently filed the award with the Industrial Relations Commission in the hope that it would be agreed to by consent.
The PSA advised that we would need to ballot our members to determine if we were to agree to the award.
As members may be aware, under the current Government, the maximum pay rise achievable each year is 2.5 %. The PSA is currently pressing for the full 2.5% and for that to be secured for the first full pay period of the new financial year.
Members should note that pay rises negotiated after that time do not necessarily allow for back pay.
There are only two significant differences in the proposed award from the existing award.
Firstly Service NSW are in agreement with the 2.5% annual pay rise for the next two years.
The second change is to classifications for the Manager of Service Centre positions. The existing award has three levels ranging from Grade 7 to Grade 10. The grading of the Manager depended on the size of the centre they were employed in. There were three different sized centres.
Service NSW has now created a smaller centre with lesser responsibilities and graded the new role of Manager of a smaller centre as a 6/7. Further, they have upgraded positions in some of the more complex larger centres to Grade 11.
As a result, the span on the version of the award filed by the employer reflects this change.
Whilst it appears no individual will be negatively impacted by this it is important that we allow our members to have a say via a survey.
Click HERE to take part in the survey. It commences on 9 May and finishes 13 May.