Service NSW Extended operating hours for Contact Centres - Public Service Association

Service NSW Extended operating hours for Contact Centres

Service NSW Extended operating hours for contact centres – April 2018 (pdf version)

As part of the current negotiations with Service NSW the PSA has received a proposed award variation for extended operating hours for the Contact Centres; that is for work currently done outside of the ordinary spread of hours.

For a copy of the proposed conditions please click here.

The proposed variation to the award will allow for additional staff to be employed directly by Service NSW.

Most importantly, it also provides protection for all existing Service NSW employees in that they may only undertake to do extended hours with their “consent”.


The PSA will be responding to Service NSW on 17 April 2018. If members have any concerns can they please send them through by email to .

The PSA A/Industrial Officer will be visiting the Parramatta Contact Centre on Friday 13 April -12.00 pm to 2.00 pm and the Newcastle Contact Centre on Wednesday 18 April – 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm to meet with members on this and other industrial matters’.

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