Service NSW Restructure: your feedback and PSA influence is already leading to changes - Public Service Association

Service NSW Restructure: your feedback and PSA influence is already leading to changes

PSA staff along with PSA delegate Trina Leask met today with management as part of the weekly restructure meetings.

The following matters were discussed:

Sharepoint Hubs

People overseas or on secondment can’t necessarily access Sharepoint.  The PSA has urged Service NSW to take all steps possible to ensure good communication. HR and/or managers are contacting by email.

Skill Hire

The PSA raised concerns with the use of skill hire when there are upcoming job cuts.

Service NSW advised that skill hire are on short term contracts and not in currently affected areas.  They have been brought in to reduce the need for contractors and to help with improved distribution of calls across Service Centres.  Service NSW insists they are not being used for leadership roles.  If you have evidence to the contrary, please contact member support on quoting reference number 222518.

Structure to be altered based on feedback

Service NSW is working through feedback and say the structure will be altered as necessary depending on what’s in the feedback.

Two cyber briefing sessions have been held, one Teams and one face to face.  Feedback has focused on Role Descriptions and capabilities with discussions around concerns about architecture.  The Cyber Team is looking at this in more detail.

They are looking at changes to the Projects, Partnerships and Insights structure and tailoring the Role Descriptions as a result of feedback.

PSA pushes for information sessions to be recorded

HR advised that there have been information sessions on resume and application letter writing tips and tricks.  These are currently open for Wave 1 employees.  PSA has requested they be recorded and be made available online (not in the sharepoint hubs) so those on leave or secondment are able to access them.

PSA will be submitting feedback on 25 July 2024 and will meet again with management on 1 August 2024.  Please contact quoting reference number 222518 with any further concerns.


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