Special Constables member bulletin
Special Constables member bulletin – February 2018 (PDF version)
Recent security upgrades to Parramatta Police Headquarters have included the construction of a more secure traffic box at the driveway entrance. The PSA supports these upgrades to the extent that they improve the safety and security of Special Constables and the rest of the staff within the building.
Members at the site have raised concerns with PSA staff about the design of the traffic box, in particular the fact that the door swings outwards into exiting traffic. This presents a serious work health and safety risk to members in the event a car were to collide with the door as they exit the traffic box.
The PSA only became aware of these concerns recently and was not involved in the design phase of the traffic box.
The risks have been raised with NSW Police which has undertaken a commitment that the temporary traffic box will remain in use until the issue is resolved.
The PSA will be conducting a risk assessment on site this week and will liaise with NSW Police to address the risks identified. Staff should not be working out of the new traffic box whilst this process continues. The PSA will advise once an agreement has been reached.
Members who would like to raise any contributions on the matter can contact their Advisory Group delegates:
- Dannie Abel – Chair
- Tony Saraceno – Vice-Chair
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