Back pay of uniform allowance in pay on 6 January 2022
As a result of efforts from your union, Special Constables are now eligible for the uniform allowance in the Police Administrative Officers Award. The Police Force has advised the PSA that payroll has been experiencing technical difficulties implementing the change in entitlements. We have been assured the allowance and back pay will be in the pay of 6 January 2022. The allowance is currently $5.10 per week. Members who have enquiries about the amount should send their pay-slip together with details of service to the PSA for checking.
Joint Consultative Committee meeting
Your Delegates attended a meeting of the Joint Consultative Committee with SMU management today. The following issues were discussed:
- Recognition of Special Constable training as a Certificate IV The matter is still with the Assistant Commissioner for consideration. We asked Supt McDonald to ask for a timeframe
- Diligent & Ethical Service Award The proposal is with the COP.
- Changes to insignia and ranks The issue has come back to SMU, which is reviewing the issue. Supt McDonald agreed to keep your Delegates up to date
- Recruitment Advertisement for Special Constable vacancies have been published. There will be a Recruit class in March, numbers presently unknown.
- Additional deployments The proposed deployment at Homebush is on hold
- Police Admin Award Entitlements (see above) Uniform Allowance back pay will be in the pay of 6 January 2022
Support the PSA, your union
The PSA is able to obtain results and ensure members are consulted because we have a strong, united membership.
If you know someone who isn’t a member – now is the time to ask them to join.
United we stand, divided we beg.