State Library Meeting Notice – 23 May 2017 (PDF Version)
Members’ meetings
The PSA is here for you. Our paid time quarterly meetings are a chance for you to talk about the issues you face and the changes you want to see at the State Library. These are challenging times for the public service and bolstering union power is more important than ever. Come along and have your say!
The next quarterly meeting will be held this Wednesday:
Date: Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm
Location: Unaipon Room, Level 1
The subsequent quarterly meeting will be held on 23 August and the final meeting for the year will be on 22 November. Locations and times will be the same.
All members are advised these meetings are paid time and should be recorded as such on your timesheets.
PSA activity update
Your local workplace committee, in conjunction with your local Organiser, Harry Wall, and your Industrial Officer, Kerrie Butson, has been working hard to fight for your rights at the State Library. We have been resolving collective issues at the quarterly Joint Consultative Committees. We also harnessed worker power to get the underpayment of superannuation matters resolved within 24 hours of it being brought to our attention.
Members’ feedback has been heard and conciliation over the restructures in the Reading Room and in the Bulk Loans section is ongoing with management. Finally, the PSA has been bargaining your next pay rise.
An update on these negotiations and the ramifications of the restructures will be provided at the quarterly meeting on Wednesday.
List of delegates
The following delegates were elected at the PSA AGM on 22 February. Talk about the issues that you face with your local union representative:
Chair: Trish Leen
Vice Chair: Shauna Miller
Secretary: Stephanie Volkens
Assistant Secretary: Alison Wishart
Women’s contact: Kathleen Alexander
Delegates: David Berg, Amy McKenzie and Julie Sweeten
If you would like further details about union matters, please contact your Organiser, Harry Wall, on 0419 607 894 or .