Tenancy Management Project …WAAT? PSA concerns about Housing Privatisation - Public Service Association

Tenancy Management Project …WAAT? PSA concerns about Housing Privatisation

Tenancy Management Project – PSA concerns about Housing Privatisation – 21 April 2017 (PDF Version)

The FACS Board has commissioned a private consulting firm, ARTD Consultants to conduct a comprehensive analysis of FACS Tenancy Management Services.

The survey named WAAT (Workload Activity Analysis Tool) 2017, which by now you would have been ‘required’ to complete, is only phase one.

The PSA did not condone this measure, since such a tool was used in the scoping study to successfully privatise Land and Property Information (LPI).

The PSA has not been party to the project nor were we consulted before it commenced.

On inquiry, the PSA was assured that the WAAT was anonymous, however, since you were provided with a log-in connected to your email address; your identity is attached to the information provided.

The fact that if you had not completed the WAAT, you received a prompt email, does not promote confidence in anonymity.

The official FACS plan is to develop a new tenancy management and implementation approach for social housing tenancies managed by FACS Housing.

The Department says they have ‘no immediate plan to outsource Tenancy Management’, but we already know that as part of Future Directions in Social Housing, some tenancy management work will transfer to community sector providers.

Unfortunately, the department has also warranted that the purpose of the project is not to increase funding or resources to your area.

Workload and Priorities

As part of phase two of this project, we know the Department is intending to conduct half day visits to 35 Tenancy teams.  The PSA is aware our Housing members have extremely heavy workloads.  We support you in giving priority to your Housing work before taking up your valuable time to fulfil the requirements of this project.

If you have any concerns in relation to the Tenancy Management Project, please contact the PSA.

PSA Industrial Staff

Kris Cruden – Industrial Manager

Siobhan Callinan – Senior Organiser       

Katy Ambler – Industrial Officer

You can support the work of the PSA and your local delegates by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.

If you have any questions about this bulletin please email:



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