TfNSW Reform Consultation Process – Member update
TfNSW Reform bulletin – member update – 16 Nov 2015 (PDF version)
Union consultation
Regular weekly meetings have now been established with TfNSW and Unions NSW along with PSA Industrial staff, a PSA delegate and the representatives from other unions.
These meetings will be ongoing through the reform consultation period and provide us with the opportunity to raise issues direct with senior management.
The next business unit consultation will include the Metro Service Delivery and Performance, Rural and Regional Service Delivery and Performance, Public Affairs and Engagement, Marketing and Campaigns, and Customer Experience Design and Delivery.
Unions NSW has put TfNSW on notice that if additional time is required for consultation this will be sought.
Briefings and Consultations from 9 November
TfNSW has begun meeting with staff through a process of briefings and consultations. For those areas where there are more than minor adjustments they will be undertaking a two-week consultation period to allow staff to provide feedback on the proposed structure.
The PSA encourages members in those areas undergoing consultation to make submissions if your role is affected.
If you have additional concerns that you would like to raise for the PSA to follow up through the consultation process, please contact us at
PSA member meetings
PSA Organising staff will be working with your delegates to arrange member meetings across the 10 branches so that members can to meet discuss issues specific to their area of the reform. If you are interested in having a meeting in your workplace please contact us by email at
What can you do?
- Update your contact details here
- Print and share this bulletin
- Ask a colleague to join