Transport for NSW Burwood meeting notice – August 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA with the combined unions will be hold a meeting of members to discuss and seek feedback regarding the inconsistences with Transport Cluster Change Management.
Throughout the 2017 award negotiation, union delegates and members fought for better treatment of employees subject to restructures and redeployment as a way to enhancing job security.
Your transport unions successfully fought for, and won, a commitment for transport agencies to work with unions to develop a policy that regulates the way restructures occur. Once finalised, employers will not be able to change this policy until 30 June 2019.
Meeting details
Thursday 10 August 2017
12pm to 12.30 and 12.30pm to 1pm
Change Management Framework
14 Elsie Street, Level Wirragulla Room
All members and non-members are welcome to attend the meeting and have your say about improving your job security.
Get involved!
For more information, contact your local delegate or the PSA direct on 1300 772 679.