Treasury meeting summary
Treasury meeting summary – June 2019 (PDF version)
New PSA Industrial Officer for Treasury
A PSA member meeting was held on 8 May. Industrial Officer (IO) Phoebe Dangerfield, who now has carriage of Treasury, attended and introduced herself to members.
Performance Development Plans
There was discussion over the lack of proper process in the “Performance Development Plan”. Phoebe will discuss further with the former IO and continue with representations to Treasury Management.
Machinery of Government/ Overwork/Restructures
Admin orders re: Machinery of Government (MoG) have come out. Members believe that, although this means more consolidation, the structures are larger and admin staff are now supporting significantly greater numbers than previously. Overwork could become an issue.
Concerns were raised over the efficiency dividend and the redundancies that will inevitably follow. Members were advised that until issues such as restructures are being considered and consultation commences there is little the PSA can do. Once aware, however, the PSA will fight for jobs and for members to receive full and proper process and terms and conditions of employment.
PSA representation at Treasury
To properly hear of issues across Treasury members need greater representation, in the form of delegates, activists, and contacts across each Division. The PSA is in the process of identification and training of members to achieve this.
Concerns over gradings/classification standards
Under the GSE/Crown Employees Award classifications and gradings should be ‘standardised’ across Departments. Members are concerned that it appears the same jobs appear at higher gradings in other agencies. A survey is being prepared to gather documentation on this issue.
Flex leave access
There are issues accessing flex leave. The system blocks taking of flex leave once a leave balance of 30 days is accrued. A bulletin is being prepared to investigate this issue further.
In the meantime, please display THIS POSTER in your workplace.
Gov (dis)Connect
Issues with GovConnect appear to be prevalent across every public sector agency who relies on it, including Treasury. Members expressed concerns over privacy – who is able to access information – and concerns related to the costs of the service. Departments are charged excessive amounts for documents and services to be provided. A bulletin previously sent to members in the Department of Finance, Service, and Innovation will be forwarded to members in Treasury. If you have had an issue with GovConnect or would like to raise a concern, please contact the PSA.
Advice from HR
Members raised concerns over the advice they are receiving from HR – considering it could be ‘wrong’. Members are advised to keep matters documented through email and to ask for the source or authority where the advice is coming from. If issues persist and concerns remain contact the PSA.
Consultation at Treasury
Treasury members confirmed that they would welcome a joint member meeting with Department of Premier and Cabinet and any other members located at 52 Martin Place, Sydney.
Phoebe will arrange a meeting with the new head of HR to discuss continuing consultative mechanisms within Treasury. Another Member Meeting will occur next quarter.
To contact the PSA about any issue contained in this bulletin – Member Support Centre, call 1300 772679 or email: .
Print this Bulletin out and place it on noticeboards, tearooms and above photocopiers. Ask your colleagues to join the PSA.
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