Treasury – Senior Executive Implementation update - Public Service Association

Treasury – Senior Executive Implementation update

Treasury – Senior Executive Implementation update – June 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA understands Treasury has released new dates for staff to find out the senior executive implementation (SEI) process outcomes – 22 and 23 June.

At a meeting between management and the PSA on 12 April, your union pushed for clarity and transparency on several key issues:

Reference checking

Treasury advised it would take reference comments (on work performance and skills) in an open meeting of hiring managers (i.e. a transparent forum) and agreed to take dot point notes of reference comments to ensure accountability.

Exit timing

Treasury has assured the PSA that there is flexibility in departure dates, and that individual preference would be considered in choosing individual dates.

Exit pay rate

Treasury confirmed exits would be at the new +2.5% pay rate (commencing on the first pay period after 1 July) unless individuals request an exit and payout prior to (or on) 30 June.

Remuneration levels

Treasury confirmed that, in cases where an individual’s current package is above the SES Band 1 discretionary range, those individuals would be offered the maximum of the discretionary range (i.e. indexed package), with salary maintenance provisions applied above that. Treasury also indicated it would consider available options to give these individuals the best indexed package it can under remuneration guidelines.

Impartiality in interview panels

Treasury assured the PSA that interview panels would be impartial and the PSA notes that no member raised any concerns with the panels they encountered.

The PSA makes the following observations on two further matters:

  1. Treasury has retained full discretion in placing individuals in roles and there does not appear to be a process or option to re-negotiate placement. The PSA will take up this important matter with Treasury HR. We take the view that individuals should be given an option to indicate their preferred role, and be considered for that role if it is not filled in this initial placement round (there will have to be a recruitment round since not all vacant positions will be filled).
  2. There is no process for support or advice during discussions with management. Members may wish to request time to consider their options.

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