Trustee and Guardian workload survery
Trustee and Guardian workload survery – 4 April 2017 (PDF Version)
As part of the PSA’s ongoing monitoring of the Trustee and Guardian restructure, we would like to hear member feedback on issues in your workplace.
To this end, we have been running a survey on workloads for the past two weeks.
Thanks to all members who have taken the time to provide feedback already. The survey consists of 12 questions and should take 5-10 minutes to complete. It is available HERE.
The survey will close this Friday, 7 April 2017 and we strongly encourage everyone who has not yet had the chance to complete it to do so.
Some responses received so far have raised individual issues where members may need PSA support. Any member requiring individual assistance or representation should contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.
To give feedback on other issues, or to organise a meeting in your workplace, please contact:
Roland Harris – Organiser
All staff are encouraged to join the PSA and get involved by having a say in how their workplace is run.
Join your colleagues – strong membership means a strong union!