Upcoming Union Training - Public Service Association

Upcoming Union Training

NSW government employees are eligible for 12 days of paid leave every two years to attend Trade Union Training. If you’re covered by an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA), check your agreement to confirm your entitlements.

We have three upcoming courses that will enable you to help make your workplace stronger!

Thursday 3 October – Role of the Delegate

This one day course is designed to give you the skills and knowledge needed to build power in your workplace.

You will explore the importance of unions, and the history and values that underpin then. You will develop your skills to enable you to have recruitment conversations, and problem solving.

Tuesday 8 October – Introduction to Work, Health and Safety

This course is designed to help make your workplace safer – from proper workplace consultation, to organising Health and Safety Representatives in your workplace.

Wednesday  23 October – Dealing with Member Issues

This course equips new delegates and activists with the skills and knowledge to assist members facing disciplinary action or experiencing workplace bullying.

You will be able to share and apply knowledge of rights and entitlements, and developing plans when helping members with workplace disciplinary actions or bullying.

All training courses are held at PSA House in the Sydney CBD from 9:30am – 4pm, and lunch is provided.

You can sign up HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact

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