Update on Role Descriptions Dispute – PSA Draft Submission - Public Service Association

Update on Role Descriptions Dispute – PSA Draft Submission

Update on Role Descriptions Dispute – PSA Draft Submission – August 2018 (PDF version)

Over the last couple of months, the PSA has been engaged in a dispute with NSW Police regarding the completely inadequate set of Role Descriptions released for NSW Special Constables.

The Role Descriptions that were released deliberately omitted and undervalued key areas of the work of Special Constables. No mention at all was made of their police powers, LEPRA compliance and duty to preserve the peace, potentially placing Special Constables at risk of legal liability.

In response, Special Constables across all sites implemented work bans in June 2018 to protest and call for discussions to begin on developing a Role Description that properly reflected their duties.

Members agreed to lift the work bans following a commitment from Assistant Commissioner Stewart to meet and discuss a pathway forward.

This meeting took place in July 2018 and was attended by PSA delegates and industrial staff. The agreement of the meeting was that the PSA would draft a submission highlighting the areas of concern.

This draft submission has been developed over the last few weeks with a final version sent today and can be viewed HERE.

Updates will be provided once a response is received from NSW Police.

If your Role Descriptions continue to so inadequately reflect your actual duties following this process, PSA delegates and staff will assess what escalation may be necessary.

It is critical that all NSW Special Constables are actively engaged in this process. Bulletins should be circulated at every site and please liaise with your delegates about how you can assist.

The PSA is your voice in the workplace. Not a member? Sign up HERE today!

Any questions or comments, please contact:

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