Child Protection Workers in NSW provide valuable services for some of the most vulnerable, at-risk people in the state.
As the union that represents these vital workers, the PSA believes these workers deserve better. Instead, the previous NSW Government artificially deflated their wages for 12 years with its unfair and unjust public sector salary cap. With this in place, Child Protection staff’s wages and conditions have not kept pace with those offered by private employers, including nongovernment organisations (NGOs) in the same sector.
As Child Protection staff within the Department of Communities and Justice fell behind, NSW experienced an increase in staff turnover and vacancies, as new starters complete their qualifications and move straight to NGOs for better conditions and less high-needs work.
The PSA will always advocate for Child Protection Workers. We have written to Minister Kate Washington to push for immediate changes to stem the loss of experienced and new Child Protection Caseworkers and to correct the single Grade of Managers Casework.
There can be no more delays and action is needed now. To support this, the PSA seeks all members to attend an URGENT STATEWIDE meeting on Monday 2 September at 12 noon to discuss further action.
We encourage ALL members to attend this VITAL meeting, and to attend from their workplaces where possible rather than dialing in from home.
Statewide meeting details
Date Monday 2 September 2024
Time 12:00pm
The meeting will be held via the Microsoft Teams link below.
Join the meeting HERE
Meeting ID 499 657 816 086
Passcode Vn7q9g
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With Child Protection Week upon us, it’s time for the Government to show that the work being done to support the children and families is valued. The Minister has stated, “The only way we can support kids is to support carers and Caseworkers.”
These changes must be implemented as the pressure placed on Child Protection due to vacancies and attrition is at crisis point and Caseworkers need to be supported now!