In March 2021, CSNSW attempted to implement co-facilitation of custody-based sex and violent offender programs by Senior SAPOs, alongside Psychologists, without consultation. The PSA intervened to halt this change in order to be involved in ongoing discussions with the Department about the intent and scope of the proposal. The PSA’s initial response and concerns were outlined in a bulletin available HERE.
The PSA also recognises that there are a range of views amongst the membership and has attempted to balance those perspectives in its submissions.
After various correspondence and meetings, CSNSW has put forward a draft Role Description for a Senior Program Clinician (Clerk Grade 7/8). This new role would be involved in co-facilitating the abovementioned programs alongside Psychologists and avoid any conflation with existing Senior SAPO and SAPTL roles.
Your delegates and the PSA believe that this will address a significant number of the concerns conveyed about the initial proposal. However, in recognising that the proposed changes potentially impact a few areas in different ways, we want to hear YOUR opinion as well!
Please provide feedback to your Industrial Staff below no later than COB Wednesday, 14 July after reviewing the draft Role Description, available HERE.
Roland Harris – Industrial Officer
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at:
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.