WIRO rostering meeting - Public Service Association

WIRO rostering meeting

WIRO – rostering meeting – July 2019 (PDF version)

PSA Industrial staff, and delegates met with management and HR to discuss the trial opening hours of 8:00am-6:00pm and rostering arrangements.

The current trial of 8:00am-6:00pm be formalised. PSA members raised no concerns with current rostering practice and work arrangements. Kim Garling confirmed his commitment to staff and his desire for meaningful consultation with the PSA. He referred to WIRO’s positive results in the DFSI-wide “People Matter Survey”, saying that no one should be disadvantaged in terms of their flextime and that sufficient staff levels should enable staff to attend with hours that suit them.

It was agreed that being open to the public and needing to have a roster for 7:00am-7:00pm would be problematic and that any future proposal to alter staff hours of work would trigger consultation with the PSA.

The meeting did reveal that Solutions staff may be exposed to risk of vicarious trauma and may need supervision/counselling.

The PSA was successful in recent Industrial Relations Commission action and staff will receive the full 2.5 per cent pay rise with effect from the first FULL pay period in July.

If you have concerns with the above or with any workplace matter contact the PSA’s Member Support Centre. Email %20"> or call 1300 772679.

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