PSA SAS Staff Recognition Week: 26-30 August
It’s that time of year again where PSA SAS Staff Recognition Week brings the school community together to celebrate your hard work and the incredible contribution you all make.
SAS Staff are Worth 100%
The PSA knows SAS Staff are worth their weight in gold. That is why the theme for Recognition Week in 2019 is Worth 100% – Paid. Protected. Permanent.
You can download additional 2019 SAS Staff Recognition Week Poster HERE.
You can download additional SAS Staff Recognition Week Bunting Design HERE.
Email your events and photos to .
100% PAID
After many years of building our case and collecting evidence, we are finally in conciliation at the Industrial Relations Commission fighting for pay equity for SAS Staff.
In simple terms, pay equity is about ensuring everyone gets a similar level of pay to do the same level of work no matter the gender of the workers. We are arguing that SAS Staff have historically been undervalued and paid significantly less than men working in jobs in a similar environment and with a similar level of complexity and that this is because the workers are 94 per cent women.
That is why we have lodged this historic case. This is only the third time an equal pay case of this kind has been run in NSW, and two of them have been run by your union. It was the PSA at the forefront, fighting for equal pay for women in the NSW Public Sector and we are doing it again for you.
Over the last few years there has been an alarming increase in incidents of workplace violence, workload and work intensification in schools. Incidents are events that create danger or risk that could significantly affect the health, safety and wellbeing of individuals including physical, near misses and psychological risk.
The PSA will fight for members to be 100 per cent protected no matter where you work in the school. It is very important when dealing with incidents is that they are formally logged with the Department.
Incidents may include, but not be limited to; spitting, hitting, kicking and near misses, physical incidents from working in the school grounds, undertaking general maintenance and working with students as well as the significant psychological pressure placed on administrative staff due to workloads. Both physical and psychological incidents can have a detrimental impact on your wellbeing.
There was a 2012 Determination that allows eligible staff are able to be converted to permanent, fought for and won by the PSA. As a result of the introduction of Local Schools Local Decisions this determination continues to be undermined resulting in many SAS Staff in insecure work for years. This has impacted their ability to apply for home loans or have security around their income so they can plan for the future.
The PSA believes that SAS Staff that meet the criteria should be converted to be permanent so that they have a secure job for the future.
If you have been employed continuously for more than two years, you may be eligible for conversion to permanency and the PSA is here to support you. To promote this, we have developed an easy-to-use PSA Conversion Guide for members seeking permanency.
Only members can log in to the PSA Members Only Area to get a copy of the guide.
Having a PSA SAS Staff Recognition Week event at your school?
If your school is having an event or morning tea and you would like your organiser to attend get in touch so we can schedule it in. Make sure you take lots of photos and we will promote you and the work you do as well.
Email your events and photos to and we will put them up on Facebook or on our Website.
Have a happy Recognition Week. You are Worth 100% – Paid, Protected, Permanent.