2.5% Pay Case – the latest
The PSA was back before the President of the Industrial Relations Commission on Friday 19 July in relation to the Public Sector Salaries and related awards.
There have been discussions over the last week to determine exactly what the interim pay rise will be, given the 2.5% salary increase is to be discounted by the 0.25% rise in superannuation.
The Government offered 2.25%.
However according to the calculations of the various unions involved, it should be a 2.26544% increase.
Unions asked that the Government round it up to a neat 2.27%.
The Government requested that the matter be stood over for a further week to allow them to go back to Cabinet to seek approval.
The matter has now been relisted and the parties will appear before the Commission at 9.00am Friday 26 July.
The Government, in asking for the matter to be stood over, reiterated that its position was to allow an interim increase to be paid and that this would be backdated to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2013.