ADHC update PSA’s A Real Choice Campaign Public Disability Services - Public Service Association

ADHC update PSA’s A Real Choice Campaign Public Disability Services

The PSA’s A Real Choice Campaign Public Disability Services – July 2016 (PDF version)

Taking the fight to the Premier!

Now more than ever members need to stand up and express their discontent with the Baird Government’s privatisation of ADHC.

Take action with the PSA:

March to Mike’s Office

18 July 2016

Meet at the Ferry Wharf in Manly


Taking action now is as important as ever!

The attendance of members at this action will demonstrate there are real people impacted by the Government’s decision who should be heard. We must keep up the fight against the privatisation until the Baird Government listens to the real concerns of staff, clients, parents and carers.

Make sure you attend this important rally

Wear your red PSA t-shirt

Register your attendance on Facebook HERE.

Download the flyer HERE.

Send any enquiries to

25 thousand signatures cannot be ignored!

The NSW Government avoided discussing our 25,000 signature petition in Parliament that was lodged in November 2014. The purpose of the petition was to raise awareness of the privatisation among ADHC’s staff & clients as well as the broader NSW community so it is appalling the Government chose to ignore the concerns of 25,000 NSW taxpayers.

At our rally of 13 November 2014, the petition was handed to the late MLC John Kaye by our General Secretary Anne Gardiner. It was then tabled in the Lower House by the Member for Balmain, Jamie Parker.

PSA Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner, together with a PSA member and constituents in the Balmain electorate met with Jamie Parker to work on progressing this important issue.  We are determined that the Government won’t ignore the 25,000 signature. You can see a news-story on this meeting HERE.

Members can keep up to date with the campaign by liking the PSA Facebook Page HERE.

Did you know?

The PSA’s campaign against this privatisation started in 2013 when members were asked to write to their local MPs about the NDIS Enabling Bill being snuck through Parliament. Since then, the PSA strategy of supporting member involvement through campaign planning, training, & backing up member initiatives has built a powerful grassroots momentum which has paid off with ever growing numbers of members taking ownership and becoming involved.

We have developed a FACTSHEET for members who wish to engage others on the steps of the main campaign since 2013. This can be found HERE.

Our PSA campaign kit can be found HERE.

Now more than ever you union needs YOU!

If you want to get active in the PSA A Real Choice Campaign contact your organiser at

What more can you do?

Build power on the ground for the campaign! Speak to non-members about joining the PSA.

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As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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