Are you an Interpreter/Translator on the Multicultural NSW panel?
If you do interpreting and/or translating work for Multicultural NSW, you need to read this message.
The Public Service Association (PSA) is the union that covers all workers at Multicultural NSW including interpreters and translators.
The PSA is also the only union party to the Crown Employees (Interpreters and Translators, Multicultural NSW) Award (the Award) which Multicultural NSW wants to change.
What does ‘party to the award’ mean?
The Award sets out and protects your pay, allowances and working conditions. The PSA, on behalf of members, negotiates these conditions and is the only body that can represent you in relation to the Award.
To truly know that you are protected and to have a genuine voice in discussions with Multicultural NSW about your working conditions, you need to be a member of the PSA.
Multicultural NSW may have contacted you earlier in the year to let you know it wants to change your award.
We encourage all interpreters and translators to join the PSA. Only as a member can you know you have the strength of your union behind you particularly in these negotiations around pay and conditions.
It’s easy to join online or you can download and print our joining form HERE.
You can also read about our Member Benefits HERE to see what additional services and discounts we offer.
Your fees are 100 per cent tax deductable and are on a sliding scale based on your average income from Multicultural NSW.
Why does joining the PSA matter? Your employer wants to change your pay
Multicultural NSW has contacted the PSA to discuss changing your pay and workplace conditions.
The PSA will fight to protect members from any changes Multicultural NSW and the Government are proposing that take away your hard-won conditions, but we need you to help us do it.