Crown Employees (General Managers, Superintendents, Managers Security And Deputy Superintendents, Department Of Corrective Services) Advisory Group
Nominations are invited from the financial members of the above Group for the positions of:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Vice Secretary
- Executive Committee members (2)
Nominations must be on the prescribed form (or facsimile of it).
Nomination Forms are available at:
- PSA website and click on RESOURCES/Election Nomination Forms.
- 5th floor Inquiry counter PSA House 160 Clarence, Street Sydney or from Regional Offices.
Each nomination must be seconded by two other persons who are from the same group as the nominee. Nominees, nominators and seconders must be financial members of the Association as at 1 June 2017.
Nominations must be addressed to:
The Deputy Returning Officer
Public Service Association of NSW
Nominations may be submitted:
- by post:
GPO Box 3365, Sydney NSW 2001
- by fax:
(02) 9262 1623
- hand delivered:
PSA Inquiry counter on Level 5, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney
so as to reach the PSA Head Office no later than 10am Friday, 30 June 2017
If there is a ballot, candidates who wish to have a profile sent with the ballot material should provide a brief statement of 300 words or less stating how they will best represent members’ interests. Space is provided for this purpose on the nomination form.
L. Liamin
Deputy Returning Officer