Centre for Future Work webinars for union members
The Centre for Future Work is holding a series of webinars on our rapidly changing workplaces. Titled What’s Next? Rebuilding after COVID & Mythbusting Austerity, the webinars will give union members throughout Australia an insight into how COVID-19, and government responses to the pandemic, will affect the way we work.
The pandemic has created enormous disruption in the lives of working people, shutting down whole sections of the economy, causing job losses and income cuts for hundreds of thousands of Australians, especially those in insecure and precarious work.
As Australia faces a recession we’re starting to see familiar arguments for hand-outs for the top end of town, and “belt tightening” for the rest of us.
The Centre for Future Work’s Director, Dr Jim Stanford, and Senior Economist, Alison Pennington, will help participants read between the headlines, bust some of the common myths about austerity budgets and show how such moves will send us into deeper, longer recessions. The webinars will discuss what governments can actually do to rebuild a better, fairer Australia after the pandemic.
The webinars are open to all PSA CPSU NSW members. To register, members will need to provide their name and email. Login details will be sent to that email address.
The presenters will talk for 20 minutes, with questions from the floor to follow. Participants will be able to use the chat function to suggest questions.
There are three webinars scheduled.
22 July, 2020 12:30pm
Jim Stanford
Register HERE
23 July, 2020 02:30pm
Jim Stanford
Register HERE
23 July, 2020 06:30pm
Alison Pennington
Register HERE