Community Corrections – Work Overload and Steps
Community Corrections – Work Overload and Steps – April 2019 (PDF version)
PSA members at Community Corrections have raised the issue of work overload. The core of the issue is staff are carrying, and have been expected to carry, workloads in excess of the allocation model.
As members are well aware maintaining manageable caseloads is essential to maintaining quality service delivery and ensuring your health and safety. The nominal case load to align with these principals is 140 hours per period (130 hours caseload and 10 hours staff development).
Members noted some staff have been given hours well in excess of the 140 hours with some staff having between 170 and 180 hours allocated for extended periods of time.
If members have a high workload, it will affect the service delivery and their safety at work. Concerned members should raise the issue with their supervisor in the first instance by noting:
- You have more than 140 hours per period (130 hours caseload and 10 hours staff development).
- Ask that the excess hours get reallocated or a review be undertaken
- Ask for written confirmation this will occur.
If you have requested a reduction in your caseload to align with the model and it has been refused you should:
- Lodge a workplace incident report regarding excessive workload
- Lodge a call with the PSA MSC under Communications workload.
We encourage all members to do this, because we need the evidence to raise it as a collective issue on your behalf.
Members noted there are other related issues that contribute to being allocated high workloads including, unfilled vacancies, staff on leave not being replaced and sentencing changes.
The PSA is developing a broader strategy around workload and a bulletin will be sent out to members shortly.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Not a member join online –