Concern about extension of LMBR implementation - Public Service Association

Concern about extension of LMBR implementation

On 11 December, the PSA wrote to the Department asking that any extension of the roll out of LMBR be put on hold until the PSA was given the opportunity to properly consult with members.

As yet, the PSA has not received a response to this letter from the Department.

However, on Wednesday 17 December, the PSA was advised by members that information was being provided to schools that significant developments with regards to the extension of the LMBR Program were being announced.

Whilst the Department has verbally agreed to a number of improvements to LMBR as a result of PSA members’ feedback, there are still outstanding matters.

These include the need for written confirmation of the following:

  • The formation of a deployment team to engage with school staff regarding how the change will be managed.
  • 15 days training with an average of two SAS staff per school attending. However, the PSA believes that all SAS staff in most primary schools should attend training.
  • Network directors will support schools and 20 days relief (on average) will be provided to 2000 schools. Relief provided will be proportional to school size.

On Tuesday 16 December, the NSW Auditor General released a report on Learning Management and Business Reform.

In the report the Auditor General says “The Department has not effectively managed the planned outcomes and benefits for the LMBR program.”

That report can be viewed HERE.

It is important that the Department continues to work closely with the PSA to ensure that the extension of LMBR is done in a way that is not detrimental to members.

There are still many matters that need to be dealt with.

Part of the results of a survey, conducted by the department, of staff in the 229 schools has been provided to the PSA and can be found HERE.

The PSA has requested the full results of the survey.

We will keep members informed on the progress of all matters relating to LMBR.

Feedback can be provided through .

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