It has just come to our attention that a large number of Court Escort Security Unit members have been notified that their sick leave, some dating back years, has been converted to leave without pay because they have not submitted a sick leave form. A number of our members have advised they did submit leave forms for the periods this has occurred.
We have contacted the Commissioner’s Chief of Staff and the Management of Court Escort Security Unit, with a meeting held this morning. A number of the matters have been identified and corrected, with a further review period being arranged to correct any outstanding matters.
If you are one of the members who this has occurred to, please resubmit your forms to your Area Manager or Superintendent and also keep a record of your forms and your email.
At the meeting, we also discussed how to prevent a similar situation occurring in the future, a centralised email address will be created for your area and CESU will keep a record of all leave forms that have been submitted to that address.
Contact details
Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Natalie Howes Secretary
0407 011 441
Mark Hutchinson Assistant Secretary
0410 031 963
Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Joshua Hamade Country Vice Chair
0456 249 991
Clinton Lamb Vice Chair Overseer
0400 709 144
David McCauley POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976
Trish O’Brien Welfare Officer
0412 120 391