Crown Solicitors Office Flexible Working Hours Agreement member survey
The PSA has been in discussions with CSO management about the Flexible Working Hours agreement in your workplace.
CSO management has proposed entering a local arrangement in which the Attorney General’s Flexible Working Hours Agreement 2006 (found HERE) continues at the CSO.
This is the current agreement that CSO staff are under.
The second option is for the CSO to adopt the new Department of Justice 2017 Flexible Working Hours Agreement (found HERE) that has been negotiated between the PSA and the Department and rolled out across much of Justice from August – October 2018.
Read a summary of this agreement HERE.
The PSA is conducting a vote of our membership to determine which Flexible Working Hours Agreement members want.
The PSA is required to provide a response to CSO management soon.
All members should read both Flexible Working Hours Agreements carefully in order to make an informed decision.
Complete the survey HERE which asks:
- Which Flexible Working Hours agreement do you want at the CSO?
- Attorney General’s Flexible Working Hours Agreement 2006
- Department of Justice 2017 Flexible Working Hours Agreement
The survey closes on COB Friday, 5 October 2018.
Your PSA delegates are: