CSNSW Bulletin - Inmate tests positive for Covid 19 - Public Service Association

CSNSW Bulletin – Inmate tests positive for Covid 19

CSNSW Bulletin - Inmate tests positive for Covid 19 (pdf version)

The PSA was notified on late Wednesday evening, 29 July 2020 that an inmate who was received into custody and indicated that he had been in Victoria during the past 14 days has subsequently tested positive for COVID-19.

The inmate, who was moved from police custody to his current housing, has been treated as an isolation inmate and all current protocols have been followed. We believe the risk to staff and other inmates is low.

In discussions with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) we have been advised that contact tracing has begun for staff who have been exposed to this inmate.

The inmate, is being moved today to the Isolation Hub at MRRC and we have been further advised that staff at MRRC have been notified and all necessary safety measures have been enacted.

We have been advised that Forensic cleaning is being undertaken at Parklea Correctional Centre.

We would ask that if any member has concerns please contact the Command Post, PSA or your workplace delegate.

We will keep you updated as further information comes to hand as we are in discussion with both the POVB and COVB command post representatives.

Again, PSA reinforces that contact tracing has begun in notifying staff who may have been exposed to this inmate.

This is a reminder for all of us in taking the necessary safety precautions at work. Be safe.


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