Draft performance management policies
Treasury – Draft performance management policies – January
Based on member feedback the PSA made a formal submission to management in October last year. Read the PSA submission here.
As part of our submission we sought a consultative forum be set up between the union and management to deal with the various issues.
In late November the PSA met with Treasury management. The verbal and written responses were unsatisfactory.
In what seems to be an unnecessarily drawn out process the PSA responded by email
(11 December) indicating we did not feel that management’s responses to the submission, particularly those under the heading ‘proposed way forward’, had addressed our concerns on either draft performance management policy.
We reiterated that as these policies stand, they have huge potential to slander staff due to unsubstantiated assertions from a hostile manager – with the staff member either unaware or given no right of reply, to damage career prospects, and to cause psycho-social stress for our members.
In our email we again put to management the request for a consultative forum to properly develop performance development plan policies based on best practice.
We await Treasury’s response.