The PSA has written to Service NSW about the lack of consultation that has occurred with the recent changes to the ‘In-vehicle monitoring guidelines for assessing the Testing Officers delivery of the Class C Driving Test’, where the required pass mark has changed from 90 per cent to 95 per cent. You can read the letter HERE.
The PSA is aware a number of Driver Testers have been impacted by this change. Despite assurances that were given to the PSA when this matter was first raised, we do not believe that our members have been appropriately supported or informed of the changed requirements, especially for those who have not met the new pass mark (often by a very narrow margin), and this has caused significant and undue distress to them.
It is not the role of the PSA to determine what the requirements for Driver Tester testing should be. That said, we do expect that when a change is introduced that affects the employment of our members that both the PSA and staff are fully consulted so that any potential negative impacts can be minimised.
Individually affected members, if they have not already, are invited to contact PSA Industrial Officer, Simon van Vegchel by email: ">.