Environment Protection Authority protective clothing survey - Public Service Association

Environment Protection Authority protective clothing survey

Environment Protection Authority protective clothing survey – May 2018 (PDF version)

In March 2017, the PSA sent out an industrial bulletin advising Environment Protection Authority members of an award entitlement of $9.70 per fortnight for the laundering of protective clothing. This entitlement has not been paid by EPA.

The PSA has met with EPA management several times since and provided documentation supporting the PSA’s position.

In December 2017, EPA management responded to the PSA with a “Without Prejudice” offer to resolve the payment of both back pay and ongoing payment of Laundry Allowance to eligible EPA staff.

PSA members rejected EPA’s offer of one-year laundry allowance seeking the statutory six years. After not reaching an agreement, the PSA lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission, which was set down for conciliation before Chief Commissioner Kite 18 April 2018.

Chief Commissioner Kite recommended the PSA put out a survey to members seeking information on who wears protective clothing, who is issued the protective clothing, how long you have been employed with EPA and who authorised you to wear it. The PSA would then write to the Department outlining which members we believe are entitled to laundry allowance seeking the full six years’ back pay. The matter has been stood over for a report back, 7 June 2018.

The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete and can be found HERE.

If non-members wish for us to progress a claim for the above allowance, they can join the PSA at www.psa.asn.au.

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