Environmental Allowance Update – Letters sent to members
Environmental Allowance Update – Letters sent to members – March 2019 (PDF version)
As we’ve informed you in past bulletins, CSNSW has been conducting a state-wide review of all Non-Custodial positions as part of the IRC dispute to fix the issues with the Environmental Allowance.
This allowance has been inconsistently and unfairly applied to staff across the state for many years now.
That review is now largely complete and some members will now be receiving letters informing them that their status may be changing.
We understand some members may have already receive notification they are to lose the allowance or have its rate reduced.
Don’t panic, this is not the end of the process
As part of the discussions between the PSA and CSNSW, once the review is complete. all members are to be given three months from notification before their status changes. This was designed to allow members losing the Allowance to prepare for the drop in salary, but also to allow time for a review of the decision to occur.
Members who have received notification of a reduction of their Allowance that don’t believe it is correct should contact the PSA who will assist them with a review of their circumstances.
Contact the PSA via the MSC and quote call number 72253 or speak to your delegate as soon as possible if you are wish to dispute the review outcome.
The PSA is aware letters went out to some members where the review was either not finalised or still in dispute. Those letters were sent in error and have now been withdrawn.
The PSA thanks CSNSW for correcting those errors swiftly and reminds you that if something doesn’t seem right, contact the PSA so we can assist you.
Ongoing issues
There are still a number of ongoing issues between the parties that will continue to be discussed until resolution is reached. They include:
Parole Unit Managers and the Manager of the Electronic Monitoring Unit – the PSA maintains these roles meet the requirements of the Allowance and should receive it. The parties are undertaking a further review of these roles with the assistance of the IRC to resolve this issue. If affected, you will receive more information shortly on this process.
Transitional Centre Workers – The PSA is awaiting further information from CSNSW on these roles and their position on workers in these centres. Members in these centres should look out for more detailed information as this issue progresses.
Where to now?
Outstanding issues remain before the IRC for conciliation and members in some roles may be asked to perform additional tasks as part of those discussions around specific roles or centres.
With letters now going out, members are again encouraged to contact the PSA if they don’t believe the review of their position is accurate.
The PSA will continue to pursue fair outcomes for all and update members as the process continues.
Dylan Smith
Industrial Officer