FACS – Disability Services JCC meeting – 12 September 2018
FACS – Disability Services JCC meeting – 12 September 2018 – September 2018 (PDF version)
With the NDIS transfer having commenced in April 2017, FACS Disability Services still have approximately 1,500 staff in NSW providing services.
PSA representatives met with the Executive Director Disability Services on 12 September 2018 at the quarterly Joint Consultative Committee to get an update on the step down process and current industrial matters.
Disability Transfers
PSA delegates received an update on the NDIS transfer process. Summer Hill is scheduled to transfer to Achieve Australia on 1 November 2018. Click HERE.
Achieve Australia has experience running Metro residences in partnership with Northcote.
Current arrangements are to remain on transfer with – 54 staff, 22 residents with the Unit equipped for 30 beds.
PSA sought advice as to the guarantee of ongoing medical care. FACS advised that Summer Hill is a high medical needs unit and the contracts provide for continuity of care to be funded by the NDIS.
FACS also referred to a recent decision of the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal in relation to ongoing nursing NDIS care which will guarantee these arrangements for the sector.
Hunter residences
A separate statement was relayed to staff separate to the JCC meeting. Click HERE.
Casurina Grove, CJP / ISP units are still out to tender and a separate statement will be issued when the transition Team has finalised the arrangements subject to further advice.
Work health and safety
FACS indicated that the WHS team had been re-established and that training is being provided for HSRs and WHS committee members. A WHS contact is available at the Parramatta and Hunter offices. The PSA has these officer’s contact details. The Service NOW system is recommended for staff to log WHS incidents for HR to action.
Industrial and award issues CJP ISP units
Delegates raised the issues of too many shift lines being vacant across these group homes and the excessive use of agency staff since July.
Also, some team leaders not possessing the qualifications in order to fill these roles.
CJP Units – Agency staff in CJP units accounted for 2.5% although, in one residence, the figure is 15%.
FACS is committed to a review of existing master rosters and the staff establishment and is committed to complying with the Community Living award rostering principles.
FACS requested a list of affected PSA temporary members who would meet the requirements for conversion to ongoing status in order to resolve staffing issues prior to transfer of the service.
ISP Units – the use of agency staff is much more profound and unacceptable, which FACS admitted and has accepted. Approximately 35% average across residences with one house which has 80% use of these staff.
FACS has advised the ISP units and programmes as with CJP are being reviewed for staffing and client programmes. Of the nine ISP affected units, two clients are to be rehoused and affected staff re-assigned.
Again, any PSA members who are temporary need to provide their details so that they can be considered for conversion to ongoing status.
Defining 24/7 line of sight clients – the PSA requested that FACS provide a definition of the meaning of this term for clients and staff safety following a number of incidents where Care and Safety Plans have conflicted with the actual status determined by courts or Clinical officers.
This has led to mandatory reporting to the appropriate authorities, such as the NSW Ombudsman when it may not have been necessary.
As a mandatory reportable incident, this leads to a costly and unnecessary Professional Conduct Unit investigation which is timely and stressful for PSA members.
FACS Parramatta CJP/ISP Supported Living Project teams and Support staff – again, the PSA raised the issue of vacant roles and the use of temporary or agency staff. FACS is to meet with the CJP/ISP management to get a review of the whole staffing arrangements including the Parramatta office.
PSA seeks the current establishment and the opportunity for temporary staff to gain conversion to ongoing status.
Also, sought were the positions that are to be transferred with the CJP/ISP units and the timeline for transfer or the operation of the Managing Excess Employee policy. Undertaking was given to do this.
Award issues
Operation of Overtime clause in the Community Living Award – members who previously requested to take time in lieu of payment of overtime have recently had blanket refusals to their requests.
The PSA advised that this is a breach of the award.
Also, the refusal to enable permanent staff to advise of availability to work planned overtime in view of the staff shortages encountered at present.
Again, a breach of the Community Living Award rostering principles and overtime clause.
FACS has committed to address this through the next management meeting where the other staffing issues will be raised.
Contacting staff outside of Workhours – delegates advised of members being contacted outside of work hours for matters that should be subject to an email or placed in the handover book. This behaviour is petty and micro managing.
The usual contact is for call-back to work overtime when other staff are sick or a request by FACS to address a staffing issue. Again, FACS agreed to rectify with management.
Proposed action
The next JCC meeting is scheduled for 10 October 2018. The PSA has requested the details of staffing establishments and recruitment action prior to the next meeting.
If members have any concern or questions please email the PSA Industrial Officer or call the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.