General Secretary's personal message about the bushfires - Public Service Association

General Secretary’s personal message about the bushfires

Anne-fires-mediumNSW is experiencing its worst bushfire emergency in living memory.

There have been and are fires across large parts of our state, including the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, the North Coast, Lithgow, Wollongong, Wyong, Cessnock and other areas which means that many PSA members are harshly affected.

To those members, I extend my heartfelt sympathy on behalf of the PSA and I want you to know our thoughts are with you.

Over the last few days I have been contacted directly by many members asking how they can help those affected by the fires.

The NSW Rural Fire Service, where the PSA has hundreds of members, is doing a terrific job, as are the many PSA members and PSA staff who have volunteered to help fight the fires.

It has been predicted that the worst of the fires is not yet over and given so many of our members are affected and so many others have volunteered to help fight the fires, I would like to encourage everyone who wishes to do so to make a donation to the Rural Fire Service by visiting

For information on major fires, evacuation centres, school closures, disaster assistance, transport disruptions members should visit or ring 1800 NSW RFS.

For information on leave entitlements, follow this link.

Yours in solidarity

Anne Gardiner
General Secretary

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