ICAC bulletin
ICAC bulletin – November 2017 (PDF version)
The PSA is your union and we are looking to have a strong and supportive presence at the Independent Commission Against Corruption. To do this, we must build proper industrial structures in your workplace. As such, we are holding a meeting to talk about what the PSA can do for you, and what you can do for your union.
At this meeting, we will report back on what occurred when the PSA’s General Secretary, Stewart Little, met with Chief Commissioner Hall to discuss the future of the ICAC. We will also discuss next steps in proceeding with consultative arrangements between the PSA and management. Finally, we want to hear from you about your ideas, concerns and hopes for the future.
The meeting will be held at the following time:
5 December, 2017
Meeting Room 1
All members are strongly encouraged to attend and to bring along a colleague so that they too can be part of our union.
If you are unable to make the meeting, or have any further queries, please contact your newly appointed industrial organiser, Harry Wall, on 0419 607 894 or .