iCare PSA Salary increase and JCC bulletin - Public Service Association

iCare PSA Salary increase and JCC bulletin

iCare PSA Salary increase and JCC bulletin – May 2018 (PDF version)

2018 – 2.5 per cent salary increase

Your award, the Insurance and Care NSW Award 2017 ensures that any increases awarded to staff under the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries 2017) Award will be given to icare staff.

Upcoming Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) 9 May 2018

Throughout the year, icare PSA delegates and staff attend consultative meetings with senior management. These meetings are known as JCCs.

This provides an opportunity for icare to consult with the PSA on any major issues that are likely to affect icare employees and for the PSA to raise any concerns with management that have been brought to us from members.

The next JCC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 9 May 2018. Draft policies have been distributed to icare staff for feedback. Should members wish to raise any issues with these or any other matter with management through the PSA please email your Industrial Officer: or raise it with your local delegate.

A report will be provided back to members following the meeting.

PSA workplace groups and delegates

The PSA is very keen to work with interested members to put in place meaningful workplace structures that supports delegates and members alike.

Following a meeting with members at Kent Street on 1 May 2018 we are committed to holding more regular meetings and establishing supporting structures to assist this.

Members interested in becoming more involved as a delegate or contact in the workplace should contact PSA Organiser, Graydon Welsh .

Share this bulletin and update your details

There has been a lot of change for staff coming into icare from different areas of the public sector and we may not have your current contact details. If you have not been receiving recent updates from the PSA, this is the most common reason. To update your details simply visit the new PSA website and click on member services.

If you have a PSA noticeboard nearby please take the time to put this bulletin on the noticeboard.

PSA contacts

icare Delegates

Rosemary Birt – Station St, Parramatta

Colleen Smith – Kent St, Sydney

Linda Lulham – Hannel St, Wickham


Judith Jaye – Kent St, Sydney

PSA staff

Organiser ‑ Graydon Welsh

Industrial Officer ‑ Simon van Vegchel

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