The PSA have been advised of a restructure within iCare. The proposal, as advised is to reduce roles across the organisation by 7% to attain cost savings including, removing 236 roles and creating 104 new roles. The main impact will be the 135 people with a proposed reduction of
- 25% Group Executive roles
- 20% Senior leadership roles
- Approximately 7% in all other roles
In the current proposal, of the 104 new roles created it is expected those roles will be filled by over 50% of affected people.
The consultation process includes the following timeline dates:
- 29 July – 9 August: Over the course of these two weeks, iCare will be holding conversations to communicate any proposed changes. These will be conducted in a cascade-style, starting with GET, then SLT, leaders, and then all staff.
- 12 August – 23 August: During this time, iCare will be asking all staff for feedback on any changes that are proposed. All staff will be encouraged to share their thoughts for iCare’s consideration.
- 26 August – 6 September: During this time, the GET will be reviewing, considering, and responding to the feedback iCare receives.
- Early – mid September: This is when iCare plan to start confirming any proposed changes, following a thorough consultation process. More information will be shared on this part of the process, closer to the date.
All employees can request to have a support person who may be the union if they are a PSA member.
The PSA are gathering feedback from members in connection with the proposed restructure, please contact the Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 or email quoting reference number 224045
You can also reach out to your Organiser Melanie Coombes on .