Industrial Relations Commission bulletin
Industrial Relations Commission bulletin – February 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA lodged an urgent dispute on Thursday, 1 February 2018 in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission in relation to the rumour the IRC was relocating to Parramatta.
The PSA stated the Department of Justice has failed to uphold the obligations under consultation arrangements to meet with the stakeholders which includes both staff and the union in relation to a major workplace issue.
Given the urgency of this matter it was heard before Chief Commissioner Kite on Thursday, 1 February and Friday, 2 February 2018. In the day and half of hearing, the Government provided no information about the move, leaving members completely in the dark about their future. The only information given was that Parramatta had been chosen as the new location, but we already knew this.
The PSA argued that both the Crown Employees Award and the 1997 Consultative Arrangements are clear in regards to both the Department and the NSW Government in their obligation to uphold base principles when undertaking organisational change. We say, to date, this has been ignored.
The PSA asserted that the members of the NSW IRC must have a voice in this major change.
After extensive discussion the PSA under the instruction of Chief Commissioner Kite, a program was arranged with the Department and the PSA is to undertake the following:
- Consult with the PSA with a meeting to be arranged on 7 or 8 February 2018.
- The Department of Justice is to extend its undertaking that there will be no further steps in relocating the NSW IRC before Friday, 9 February 2018 when we are due back in court.
We will be arranging a workplace meeting with the members this week to talk with you and log your concerns.
We also encourage members join us this Friday, 9 February at 11am before Chief Commissioner Kite to hear what the Government has to say.